BC Hydro’s Bridge River system is about 300 km north of Vancouver and consists of the Lajoie Dam and Powerhouse (Downton Reservoir), Bridge 1 and 2 Powerhouses (Terzaghi Dam and Carpenter Lake Reservoir) and Seton Dam and Powerhouse (Seton Lake). Two of the powerhouses in our area are equipped with 300KW emergency backup diesel generators. The generator sets have been underloaded during normal testing which can be detrimental to the diesel motors as they like to be run with 80% load.
PowerSafe supplies Mosebach Loadbanks 300kW Portable Load Bank to BC Hydro. As the exclusive manufacturers representative for Mosebach Manufacturing in Western Canada, PowerSafe supplies a 300kW portable (trailer mounted) resistive multi-voltage load bank to BC Hydro for routine generator maintenance. Over the last 3-years PowerSafe has supplied 100 plus load banks in Western Canada.